Cyber forensic services

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Cyber forensic services

The forensics division at Lex Cyberia provides professional digital/electronic forensics, including computer & mobile forensic services for corporate entities, banks, individuals and non government/government agencies. We undertake cybercrime detection, investigations and prosecution tasks .Our team of qualified cyber experts carry out e-discovery and advise on collection , preservation and presenting digital evidence in a court of law and render litigation support in cybercrime cases. Information disclosed by clients at Lex Cyberia is treated with utmost confidentiality and is duly protected by Attorney-Client privilege. We endorse and practice internationally accepted data protection principles and norms.

We only use licensed and trained computer forensics examiners at Lex Cyberia. Lex Cyberia has assisted clients in wide spectrum of cases involving intellectual property theft, employment disputes, theft/ destruction of data, internet abuse, impersonation, defamation and cyberstalking cases, credit card frauds, software piracy, online auction fraud, phising scams, money laundering, cyber pornography amongst other matters. Our Internationally trained team of forensic experts uses advanced forensics software resources and hardware tools to investigate and solve cyber forensic cases such as Encase from Guidance Software, FTK , Gargoyle as well as Universal Write blockers kit (for IDE, SATA, USB 7 Firewire Devices) from Tableau which helps in accessing contents of hard disks forensically. Tableau TD2 & TD3 Forensic Disk Duplicators are used for acquisition of hard disks from several interfaces . Encase Portable is used for triaging the suspect machine. XRY & Universal Forensic Extraction Device (UFED) are used for Mobile Forensic investigation purposes. The very powerful CDAMS is used to perform CDR Analysis. The i2 IBM Analyst Note Book is used for Data Visualization and Link Analysis and to create highly expressive investigating charts which can also be used in court briefings etc